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Few Word About Shemen Amour

Shemen Amour is a qualitative brand of cosmetic products, based on natural Minerals from the Dead Sea. The company was established after many years of trade in cosmetic products.

Shemen Amour is a international brand. it is distributered all over the world. Thanks to the enormous proliferation, Shemen Amour became the most popular brand in many markets all over the world, and in our club are written members from many countries.

We promise you the best of Dead Sea Treatment!

Few Words About The Name

Shemen Amour - A surprising name, which brings many questions, The root of this name is in the holy bible, in a book which is called: "Esther Parchment". These words are written there in the meaning of cosmetic products.

Few words about the quality

Shemen Amour is a brand of high quality. The products are developed in a sophisticated laboratories acordding to the recomends and conclution of a current researches. Our products are licensed by the Israeli Ministry of health.